Drop Off and Pick Up
Drop Off: Manor Park Public School is excited to have a Kiss & Ride program that allows parents to drop their children off without having to get out of their car! Simply drive along Hemlock and turn right onto Thornwood. Follow the line of cars, or pull forward until you reach the staff member waiting. They will help your children out of the car where they will then go join their class. This is available from 8:15-8:30am each morning.
Important: There is NO stopping or parking on Thornwood Road during drop off and parents are asked to remain their car.
As well, parents should NOT be parking and walking between school buses on Braemar Street. Please use the Kiss & Ride as it is the safest way to get your child to school.
Pick Up: Pick up for students is on Thornwood Road. Parents are asked to park on side streets and come across to the grass to pick up their children. Teachers will bring students to this area to wait for their parent.
Important: There is NO parking on Thornwood Road at this time for the safety of students, parents and staff.